Five trails and all the magic of the Garda Trentino and Ledro Valley location.

The full program includes the holding of 5 different race distances with unique arrival in the historic center of the town of Arcense. The first to kick off on Friday 17 at 12 noon will be Garda Trentino Trail Extra, 150km and 10000 meters of positive elevation gain. The postcard race for the whole event, with athletes touching the entire crown of mountains around Garda Trentino and Valle di Ledro for all hours of the race. The valley of Cavedine with its lake and the lunar scenery of the Marocche di Dro, Mount Stivo and Mount Altissimo interspersed with that garden of Trentino that is Val di Gresta. The start of GTT Extra will be given in the center and at the same time as the inauguration of the exhibition village that will rise in p.zzale Segantini in Arco where for all three days, athletes, companions and tourists will be able to enjoy stands and exhibitions of the best brands on the outdoor and Trail Running market. The morning of Saturday 18 will see the departures of Garda Trentino Trail from Riva del Garda at 8 a.m., Tenno Trail from Arco at 10 a.m. and Ledro Trail from Ledro at 11:30 a.m. Sunday will be the day of GTT Run that with its 11km and 600 meters of elevation gain to be run all in one breath around Arco Castle and immersed in the Olivaia arcense will conclude the three days of races and exhibitions around the Collegiate Church of Santa Maria Assunta.

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